Oct 08, 2024
While it is possible, it is NOT recommended to delete a membership. When deleting a membership, you will delete all historical data associated to that membership. Additionally, all associated contacts will also be disassociated from this membership and the membership will be deleted.
- On the member's Overview tab, click the icon in the Memberships section for the membership you wish to delete.
- Click Drop or Delete Membership
- In the Action dropdown, select Delete
- Make the following selections according to your organization's preferences:
- Enable "Remove All Directory Listings" to automatically remove any listings from the contact's Web Content tab.
- Decide whether any open invoices will be written off, or left open. Select any/all invoices from the list by clicking the box to the left.
- Choose the appropriate Info Hub access level you wish to be applied to the contact/all related contacts.
- You can also choose to individually select the appropriate Info Hub access level for any/all related contacts, and choose to remove them from Lists/Committees.
- Click Done.