Jul 25, 2024
The Voucher feature provides the ability for an association to sell a pack of event tickets to events with a specific category. This is perfect for associations with active sub-groups like Young Professionals or Women in Business. Attendees can buy a pack of tickets to attend these events and only need to submit one expense report to their employer. See further information on Working with Vouchers.
- In the Store module, click the Products tab.
- Click the
icon next to Add Store Item and select Add Voucher Store Item.
- Configure the following:
- Name: The name of the product as you wish it to be displayed in the store.
- Price: The price of the voucher.
- Fee Item (Saleable Item): Select the Fee Item (goods/service item) to be associated to this voucher
- Description: Provide further information about the product. This will display once someone clicks into the product.
- Short Description: The short description will display on the main store page when the viewed as a list.
- Is Active: This indicates whether the product should be displayed in your store. If you no longer wish to display in the store clear the is Active check-box,
- Voucher Type: This is a way by which you can organize your vouchers. By default all vouchers are of type event registration. If a voucher is tied to an event your member will be able to apply their voucher(s) to the event registration.
Click Done.
Once you have created the voucher item you can add an image to the product.
- Click the hyperlink for the desired voucher.
- On the Image Manager screen click the pencil to drag and drop your image or navigate to the file and upload.
- Click Done.