Mar 18, 2021
The following scenarios will trigger additions to the sub queue:
- A new Agent record (Primary or Secondary) is added: The complete Agent, Agent Secondary, and Education records will be sent to the sub queue. If the member takes the COE course online at, will add that Education record which will then publish in the appropriate POE's sub queue.
- A new Office record (Primary or Secondary) is added: The complete Office Record and Office Secondary record will be sent to the sub queue
- Changes to an Agent, Office or Education record: The modified fields are sent to the sub queue
- Transfers away from your association to another primary association are sent to the sub queue
IMPORTANT: Contact information on the agent or office profile tab will NOT be over-written. GrowthZone will do a compare, and if it receives new data, for example an address, the new address will be appended to the record. The address would be updated for the NRDS record if applicable |
Once Enable Sync - SUB Queue is turned on, no interaction is required on your part to gather changes from the sub-queue. At regular intervals, GrowthZone will check the sub-queue for updates. Each add/update from processing the NRDS SUB queue can be viewed on an agent or office Activity tab. Additionally, a report, Updates Received from NRDS is available to track what record types have come in and the office/member that is effected by the changes.You can view this via the Setup > Miscellaneous.