Associate Continuing Education Components to Events
Shelly Satre
Feb 28, 2024
You can easily offer your continuing education courses using the Events Module. These types of events will display on the calendars you select, and also display as Upcoming Continuing Education Events in the Info Hub. There are two ways to add a certification component to an event- by selecting an existing component, or by creating a new component on-the-fly in the event.
If you have created your certification components in advance, you can simply select them in the event.
Open the event that needs to have the component added to it.
On the Overview tab, find the Continuing Education section and click the plus icon .
On the Add Event Certification Component screen, use the dropdown to select or search for the component.
The Hours Earned/Credits Earned and Code fields will populate with the component's details. To edit the component details, click the edit icon and make the desired changes.
NOTE: Editing a component in this way will not only change the credits/hours for this association, it will affect all future component associations. Be cautious! Click Done to save any changes.
Click Done again to associate the new component with the event.
If you wish to add additional components, repeat as needed.
For event registrants who have already enrolled in the associated certification program, the event registration will automatically update the certification progress, for that registrant.
For event registrants, who are NOT enrolled in the associated certification program, if the Enroll Attendees To All Relevant Certifications setting is enabled under Certifications General Settings the system will automatically enrolled the registrant in the appropriate certification program. SeeConfigure Continuing Education General Settings for further information.
If Enroll Attendees to All Relevant Certifications is not enabled, you will need to enroll the registrant in the program to ensure that the registration in the course is tied to the contact, and associated certification program. See Certification Enrollmentfor details.
Only registrants that are existing contacts in the database will be automatically enrolled in the certification. Hidden contacts, or contacts matched after the fact, will not be automatically enrolled. See Manage Event Registrations for further information.
Users that register for an event that is tied to multiple certifications (i.e. 6 sessions each pointing to 6 different certification components), will be enrolled in all 6 of those certifications.
If there is an event registration fee AND a component/certification fee, registering for the event will only pay the event registration fee. After registration, GrowthZone creates a separate invoice for the component/certification fee that will need to be manually sent to the registrant.
When an attendee is marked as Attended in an event, they will automatically be sent a Component Completed certification, via email. (The attendee must exist in GrowthZone as a contact in order for the automated messaging to work; see Matching Registrants to Contacts for more information.) The document generation template can be selected on a component-by-component basis. If you do not want to send this particular document, you can choose to not send under Setup> Automated Messages.