Jan 19, 2024
This article will step you through how to set up a super-simple continuing education program in GrowthZone. This setup makes the following assumptions:
- No customization of program or component certificates (here are instructions, but we won't cover them in this article!)
- No fees being charged
- No objectives being used
- No categories being used
- No prerequisites being used
- No Terms & Conditions applied
- No need to track "completion" of the "certification"; only accumulated hours/credits
In essence, we are setting up the ability to track and report on accumulated hours/credits from components. That's it.
- Step 1: Create the certification "program". The program serves as the "bucket" that all the components will be collected in.
- Step 2: Set the certification program as default in the Continuing Education General Settings.
- Step 3: Create Components. You can do this either by creating them in the Continuing Education module, or by adding components to events on-the-fly.
- Step 4: If you create components in the Continuing Education module in advance, you will need to add those components to events as needed.
Did you know? With a certification program set as default, when adding components via events, they will automatically attach to that certification. |
- Step 5: Check in your event attendees and/or mark them as attended.
IMPORTANT! GrowthZone will only track credits/hours for contacts in the database. Match contacts in events prior to check in to ensure credits/hours are recorded appropriately! |
Once the attendee is marked as attended, the credits/hours will be recorded in the certification and any progress will be visible to the member via the Info Hub (if enabled).