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Home > MemberSuite Employees > Knowledge Base Article Templates > Knowledge Base Article Template (Topic Overview)
Knowledge Base Article Template (Topic Overview)
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Each category (module) will have a TOPIC section and corresponding HOW TO GUIDES section. 

For the topic overview article, there will be THREE sections.

    1. Topic Overview 
    2. Example
    3. Links to the How To Guides as well as the applicable Category (module)

Below is a link to an overview that has been created. This is how each topic overview article should look.


Here are the specs to keep all articles looking cohesive.

FORMATTING:  All writing/words will be in the PARAGRAPH format with a font size of DEFAULT and the default system color, which is BLACK


TITLE:  The overview article only needs the broad topic. Example:  Job Locations.  

ARTICLE:  In the example above, you'll notice that Job Locations is bolded. The first paragraph should include the topic, which should also be the article title. When the topic/title is first mentioned, it should be bolded and CAPITALIZEDThis section should provide the reader a sense of what the topic entails. Example:  What are Job Locations, when would they be used, how do you use them, why they are used, etc. The Who, What, When, Where and Why. 

There will be ONE SPACE before the world Example.  The word Example should be CAPTIALIZED, bolded and italicized. There will be ONE SPACE before the example.

The example will be as though you are speaking to them and providing direct guidance (you, your, you'll). This is to make it personal to the reader. Please do not use any association/customer names in the examples. These should be generic in nature. 

There will be ONE SPACE before the last section.

LINKS:  The last section will link to the applicable HOW TO articles as well as back to the main CATEGORY (module). We want to make it easy for our customers to find information.  To Link an article, you will click the chain, enter the appropriate URL, and then enter a logical word. Example:  The sentence in the picture above has clickable links for the words create, edit, delete. Those are what the articles they are linking to are about. It should be a logical word that is hyperlinked. Click on the chain link icon on the tool bar (next to the picture icon). The screen below will pop up. Be sure to click the box for OPEN IN NEW TAB.




In addition to updating the article content, PLEASE review ALL links to make sure they are linking to what they note they will and update any errors accordingly. PLEASE also look at the list of HOW TO ARTICLES using the GUIDE ADMIN (top right), then the 3 lines on the left to make sure ALL applicable articles are linked to the TOPIC OVERVIEW article.




Be sure it has the following settings:

    1. Published vs. draft 
    2. Managed by ADMIN and AGENTS
    3. Visible to EVERYONE
    4. Publish in section (make sure it is the correct category (module) and section (topic or how to guides)
    5. Make sure the OPEN FOR COMMENTS checkbox has a blue checkmark
    6. Is the author someone currently working at MemberSuite? If not, change it to yourself or Marny Klump.  
    7. Labels: This should not have a bunch of labels. The system pulls based on labels so if EVERY article had "howto" or "guide" in it, all would pull when people search. 2-3 at most. Labels need to be SINGLE words, so for career center, we just use career because they would pull that first. 
      1. module (one word. the first)
      2. one word from article title Example:  job or location
    8. hit SAVE often so you don't lose your work.


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