Nov 18, 2024
The following information is for Colorado REALTOR Associations ONLY. GZ will be hiding duplicate Code of Ethics (COEs) entries. Below, the information outlines why these steps were taken and what the end result will look like when viewing information in GZ.
- Colorado Assn of REALTORS® (CAR) became a GZ customer. They did not initially turn on the sync with NAR's M1 system, and as a result, were manually inputting COE attendance for agents on the Real Estate tab so they could run reports/display COE compliance in GrowthZone. It sounds like they may have also been entering these COEs into M1 as well (NAR is the body requiring COE compliance), but since GZ was not syncing with M1, this did not cause an issue.
- At some point the GrowthZone sync with M1 was enabled and all those manually input COEs were pushed to M1. This created duplicate entries (one from M1+ one from CAR's GrowthZone) - which then sent the extra entries (the ones from CAR's GrowthZone sync) from M1 to the local/regional REALTOR® associations.
- CAR has turned off their M1 sync and will not be turning it back on. It is too much work to remove the duplicate entries that have ended up in M1.
- For any Colorado local/regional REALTOR® associations, GrowthZone will be filtering out any COE entries that were coded to the CAR entries. Essentially, we are filtering out anything coded with CAR's POE. COE entries coded from other association POE's or from M1 proper (i.e. the agent took the course online and it was added to M1) will be displayed in those local/regional association databases.
- This may result in M1 displaying more COEs than GrowthZone for those associations.
If there are any further questions about the above process, please reach out to our Support team.