Feb 11, 2021
- Click the icon.
- Select Contacts from the app menu. A list of all contacts in your database will be displayed.
- Scroll through your list of contacts to select the desired contact. Alternately, simply type the name of the contact in the Search Contacts text box.
- On the Contact Information tab, scroll to the Membership section.
- Click the icon.
- Click into the Select a Membership Type text box. A list of membership types will be displayed at the bottom of the screen.
- Click the Membership Type you wish to assign, and click Done.
- Configure the following if needed:
- Start Date: The start date will default to the current date. If you wish to change the date, click into the Start Date text box, a list of dates will be displayed at the bottom of the screen. Select the desired date, and click Done.
- Is Courtesy: Select the check-box if this is a courtesy membership.
- Sales Rep: (Optional) If you wish to assign a Sales Rep, click into the Select a Sales Rep text box. A list of your staff will be displayed. Click the desired sales rep, and click Done.
- Join Reason: (Optional) If you wish to assign a Join Reason, click into the Select a Join Reason text box. A list of your join reasons will be displayed. Click the desired join reason, and click Done.
- Billing Start Date: The Billing Start Date will default to the current date. If you wish to change this, click the billing start date text of dates will be displayed. Select the desired date, and click Done.
- Referred By: (Optional) If you wish to enter a referred by contact, begin typing the name of the contact. Type ahead functionality will bring up a list of matching contacts. Click the desired contact.
All settings for the selected membership type will automatically be populated.
NOTE: No changes can be made to pricing, etc. for the membership type using the Staff App.