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Home > Staff App > Managing Events with the Staff App > Scanning QR Codes for Event Check-in
Scanning QR Codes for Event Check-in
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There are several options when you're ready to check in attendees to your event. You may choose to check in attendees by using the Staff App to scan the QR codes that are included in event confirmation emails.


NOTE: Check-in using the Staff App is available the day of the event only.




  1. Click Events in the left-hand navigation panel.

  2. Click the   to select Today as your filter for events.
  3. Select the desired event from the list.

  4. In the Attendees section, click the Scan QR Code link 
  5. Align your phone with the QR code. The QR code will be automatically scanned.


    NOTE: When checking in by QR codes, staff/reps must be using the Mobile Staff App, and logged in with their own login.  Multiple devices may be used using the QR code scan. You CANNOT use BOTH devices AND laptops at the same time to check in as the laptops will overwrite the device results leaving inaccurate counts.
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