Mar 21, 2023
You can setup auto-reminders to ensure that you are maintaining communication with your sales opportunities. The Sales Opportunity Auto-Reminder Rules settings allow you to configure when a reminder will be generated.
- Click Setup
- Click Sales Opportunity Auto-Reminder Rules in the Sales Funnel section. A list of the Sales Opportunity Auto-Reminder Rules already configured in your system will be displayed (none will be configured by default).
- Click the Add button.
- In the Add Sales Opportunity Auto-reminder Rules window, configure the following:
Caption - In the When I have a Sales Opportunity with all the following conditions section, select the combination of Sales Stage, Sales Disposition, and Sales Opportunity Status conditions that will be used as a factor in triggering a reminder. These settings, along with the Days, described below, will be the triggers for creating the reminder.
- In the That hasn't been communicated to in more than X days section, enter the number of days without communication to your sales opportunities in the Sales Stage, Sales Disposition, and Sales Opportunity Status configured above that will trigger a reminder.
- In the Create a Reminder Task with the following settings configure:
- Description - This description will be displayed on the task tab for the sales opportunity.
- Days Until Overdue After Reminder - This is the number of days after the first reminder that the task will become over-due.
- Task Priority - Select a task priority from the list.
- Click Done to save the new reminder.