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Showing articles from import tag

Contact Import Overview

GrowthZone is committed to helping your organization reach its goals, and we know that data is key to making that happen. For some associations it is critical to keep their databases up to date with national, provincial, or other third-party information, but it can mean a lot of unmanageable dual entry without the ri…

Import Contacts

The Import Contacts module allows you to easily import individuals to your database from a source file (csv,  xlxs or similar type file). This is an add-on module. If you are interested in purchasing please reach out to the Account Management team . When you create the file a header row is not required, howeve…

Import Contacts to a List/Committee

Through import functionality, you can import a file containing the contacts that you wish to add to a list roster. If contacts already exist in your database, the system will match them, if the contacts do not exist, the system will create a new contact. To import a list, start with .csv, .xls, or .xlsx file with col…

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